Veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor died in HN reliance foundation hospital, Mumbai at 8:45 am on Thursday. A video is being viral in social media with the claim that it is the last video before his death. In the video, a man is seen beside his bed in the hospital singing a song of his film ‘deewana’ released way back in 1992. Later he appreciate the person and give him some tips for life. It is being claimed that this is the last video before his death. is a website which publishes bollywood news. The archived version can be seen here.  Executive editor of India Today Vikrant Gupta also posted the same video with the claim that ” May be this wasthe last video-will make you cry,will make you salute the jazabba of the man who lived his live to the full”

The archived version of the post can be seen here. The video is massively shared on social media. IAS officer Avneesh Saran claimed the video was of the same hospital where Rishi Kapoor took his last breathe.

Film star nagma also posted it with the same claim but later deleted

India today had also posted the video on twitter but later deleted.

‘Abp’ news and ‘News Nation’ too carried the video in their bulletins with the same claim and later clarified

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Fact check

With the help of relevant keywords, a simple google search led us to the same video uploaded on u-tube on February 3 of this year. The video was uploaded by Dheeraj Kumar Sanu.

Now its clear that the video was not shot last night before the death of veteran actor. It was at least more than two months old. We also found the social media profile of Dheeraj on Instagram where he posted the same picture with Rishi Kapoor in his status.

The man who sung a song in the video was actually Dheeraj not the staff of hospital. Rishi Kapoor was admitted to the hospital in Delhi for the treatment of infection caused by pollution. He had come to Delhi for shooting of the film. He posted a tweet regarding this during his stay in hospital on february 3.

Now we further checked the viral claim of last video and found his video of march 22 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed every one to honor corona warriors from the balcony by banging-thalis. He also announced to keep self imposed curfew on the same day. Like many celebrities Rishi Kapoor was also seen banging-thali from his balcony. A twitter user posted a video of that day.


Therefore it is clear that viral video is not his last video. This is more than two months old video when he was admitted to the hospital in Delhi